Face Off Against Cancer Game-Fri 2/14 W Hockey Nazareth @ Chatham 7pm
Face Off Against Cancer Game-Fri 2/14 W Hockey Utica @ Manhattanville 7pm
Face Off Against Cancer Game-Fri 2/21 W Hockey Chatham @ Utica 3pm

Community of Support

You're not on this journey alone. Here are some thoughts from patients and their loved ones on the very same journey

Evaline: “Just don’t give up, fight it every day!”

Terry: “Always stay positive. It has greatly made a difference with my hubby.”

Larry: “Fight hard, listen to the doctors and pray.”

John: “We persisted in our efforts and got the anti-biotic approved. Instead of $208,000/year, it will be $2000/year! Let people know that it takes an extreme amount of patience and phone calls to find the right person to help them through the maze, but it’s worth the effort. Don’t take “no” for the answer.”

“You have cancer’ are very scary words, but they don’t have to be a death sentence.”

“Always get a second opinion.”

Doctors and medications are critical, but don't discount "Hope as a Strategy"
Serving breast & gynecologic cancer survivors in Central & Western NY
Community is Stronger than Cancer. Check for the Gilda’s Club near You
Caring Bridge-Update Loved Ones on Your Progress
Education, support groups and more for those in Erie County, NY
Become a Bone Marrow Donor

If you’re in Rochester NY….are you between the ages of 18-55 and interested in giving someone a second chance at life? Christopher’s Challenge types potential bone marrow donors as well as supports patients and their families going through bone marrow transplants….

 Please share our page with anyone that you think we can help and continue to check back for updates. And follow us on Facebook for more tips and motivation.



The Mission of The Don Litzelman Foundation

The Don Litzelman Foundation is a critical resource and sense of relief and calm to families and friends that have been hit with the awful news their loved one has been diagnosed with cancer. The DLF exists to help people find strength and comfort so they can best support their loved one through cancer and achieve the best possible outcome.