You're not Alone. Together we can win the Face Off Against Cancer!!
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★ Our Support ★

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★ Our Purpose ★

The Mission of The Don Litzelman Foundation

The Don Litzelman Foundation is a critical resource and sense of relief and calm to families and friends that have been hit with the awful news their loved one has been diagnosed with cancer. The DLF exists to help people find strength and comfort so they can best support their loved one through cancer and achieve the best possible outcome.


★ Our Story ★

About the Don Litzelman Foundation

The DLF began in the fall of 2012 to honor and remember Don, who was taken from us by brain cancer at the age of 52. Most of us involved in the DLF met in the fall of 1978 at the State University of New York at Geneseo. Some of our best memories involved us sitting on the hill together overlooking the lacrosse field, watching Don set most of the school’s scoring records. He was the first two-time All-American at Geneseo and in 1990 was inducted into the Geneseo Athletic Hall of Fame.

But as often happens, after graduation comes careers and families and we lost touch. Don brought us back together years later. In 2007 he reached out to reconnect. He hadn’t yet been diagnosed with brain cancer, but he knew something was wrong. We stayed in close touch until the spring of 2012, when Don was quickly declining. Four of us went to spend the day with him on May 5th. It was both a heartbreaking and uplifting day. A lot of tears and a lot of I love you’s. We drove away from his house determined to turn this horrible negative into a positive.